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Discover How to Plan Your Move in Fort Lauderdale Efficiently

The process of moving can be exciting yet daunting, especially when navigating the unique dynamics of a vibrant city like Fort Lauderdale. From stunning beachfront properties in Fort Lauderdale Beach Park to quaint suburban neighborhoods in Victoria Park, the Fort Lauderdale area – including nearby cities like West Palm Beach – offers diverse living options that cater to an array of preferences.

Nevertheless, planning a move requires intricate detail and extensive preparation, whether you’re relocating within the city or venturing into Fort Lauderdale from afar. It’s crucial to understand the local housing market, choose the right moving company, prepare for the subtropical climate, and familiarize yourself with the city’s amenities and localities.

This blog post will guide you through the comprehensive process, highlighting essential tips and strategic plans to ensure a smooth, efficient, and stress-free transition to your new home in the ‘Venice of America.’

Preparing 3-4 Weeks Ahead of Your Move Date

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The initial stage of your moving plan should begin roughly a month before your intended move date. The key is to get organized and remain systematic in your approach.

1. Making an Inventory of Items to be Moved

Firstly, you need to develop an exhaustive list of all your belongings, whether it’s your art pieces from the galleries of Las Olas Boulevard, your Spring Break mementos, or your everyday household items.

This process helps you identify what you’ll bring with you, as well as what can be discarded or given away. Check each room meticulously and document everything, making sure not to overlook smaller items or those stored away in closets or attics.

2. Sorting and Donating Unwanted Items

Once your inventory is complete, the next step is to filter out the things you no longer need or want. This can include clothing, furniture, kitchen utensils, and more. Consider donating these items to local charities or community organizations that can benefit from them.

3. Hosting a Garage Sale or Selling Items Online

For items of value that won’t fit in your new space, consider hosting a garage sale or selling them online on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. Not only does this declutter your possessions, but it can also provide extra funds for your move.

4. Gathering Moving Supplies

At this stage, start accumulating moving supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, tapes, markers, and specialty items like mattress covers and dish barrels. These supplies will facilitate the packing process and ensure the safe transportation of your belongings.

5. Updating Your Postal Address

Submit a change of address form to your local post office to ensure your mail is rerouted to your new location. This will prevent important letters, bills, and parcels from being sent to your old address.

6. Booking a Moving Company

Select a professional moving company and confirm the arrangements. A good moving company can drastically reduce the stress and labor associated with moving. Check customer reviews, get a comprehensive cost estimate, and make sure they are available on your moving date.

7. Researching Unmovable Items

Some items, such as certain heavy appliances or materials in aerosol cans, might be challenging or illegal to move. Do your research to understand these limitations and plan accordingly.

8. Arranging Storage

If your new home isn’t immediately available or is undergoing renovations, you may need short-term storage for your belongings. Some moving companies offer storage services, often at discounted prices, so it’s worth discussing this with them.

2 Weeks Till the Move

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With two weeks left, it’s time to buckle down and start packing. This is also the ideal time to finalize any administrative tasks like insurance transfers and notifying friends, companies, and personal accounts of your move.

1. Start Packing Up Your Home by Boxing Up the Items You Use Less Often

Begin packing with items you don’t use daily. Whether it’s seasonal items like your beach gear from your trips to Las Olas Beach and Miami Beach or books about the history of Broward County and South Florida, pack these less-frequently used items first. This allows you to gradually pack your home without disrupting your everyday life too drastically.

2. Have Rugs and Draperies Cleaned and Leave Wrapped When Returned

Clean your rugs and draperies and keep them in their protective wrapping until you’re ready to install them in your new home. This ensures they remain clean and protected throughout the move.

3. Obtain Written Appraisal of Antique Items to Verify Value

If you own any valuable antiques, obtain a written appraisal to verify their value. This is necessary if you need to purchase additional moving insurance and will be helpful in case of any damage or loss during the move.

4. Book the Moving Elevator and Confirm the Parking Arrangement for Truck

If you’re moving from or to a multi-story building, remember to reserve the elevator for your moving day. Also, confirm the parking arrangements for the moving truck to ensure a smooth loading and unloading process.

5. Contact the Insurance Company to Transfer Policies

Contact your insurance company to inform them about your move and transfer your homeowners, tenants, or other relevant insurance policies. They can guide you through the process and provide any necessary documentation.

6. Prepare a List of Friends, Companies, and Personal Accounts to Be Notified

Prepare a comprehensive list of people and organizations to notify about your move. This could include banks, utility providers, subscriptions, friends, and family.

7. Arrange to Be Off Work on Your Moving Day

Inform your employer about your move and request a day off to oversee the process. This is crucial as you’ll need to guide the movers and manage any unforeseen issues that might arise.

8. Address Minor Home Repairs Before Moving Out

If there are any minor repairs needed in your current home, now is the time to handle them. This can help avoid disputes with your landlord or the new occupants and ensure you retrieve your full security deposit if you’re renting.

One Week Before the Move

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In the final week leading up to the move, the key is to be as organized as possible. Your home may start to look more like a maze of boxes, but it’s an important step in the process. Make sure everything is ready to be transported to your new location.

1. Start Actively Packing Your Home Room by Room

Start actively packing your home room by room, whether it’s your downtown Fort Lauderdale apartment or your waterfront real estate in the Las Olas Isles. Packing your home room by room allows for a structured and systematic approach.

Start with the rooms you use the least, such as the guest bedroom, attic, or basement. Grouping items that will go in the same room in your new home will make unpacking more manageable and quicker.

2. Everything that Can be Put in a Box Should Be

Packing small items into boxes can streamline the moving process. This method ensures easier handling during the move, minimizes the risk of losing anything, and protects fragile items from potential damage during transportation.

3. Clean Your Home or Arrange for a Cleaning Company to Come In

A thorough cleaning of your old home is a sign of respect for the next occupants, and it also allows you to discover any items you might have missed during the packing process. If you’re short on time, hiring a professional cleaning service can be an efficient solution.

4. Check Furniture for Dents and Scratches

Recording the current condition of your furniture can save you from potential disputes with the moving company over any new damage. Go through each piece of furniture and document any existing dents or scratches.

5. Label Items You Need to Access Quickly

Packing is not just about putting things into boxes. It’s also about knowing where your items are. Label boxes that contain items you’ll need immediately upon moving into your new home. This might include essentials such as bedding, toiletries, or kitchen utensils.

6. Defrost, Clean, and Air Out Your Refrigerator

If you’re moving your refrigerator, preparation should begin a few days in advance. Defrosting, cleaning, and airing out your refrigerator can prevent the build-up of unpleasant odors during transit.

7. Finalize Travel Arrangements

Preparations for the moving day should include making sure all travel arrangements are in place. This could involve booking accommodation if you’re moving a long distance, arranging pet transportation, or ensuring your vehicle is ready for the journey.

8. Schedule Utility Cutoff

An essential detail that should not be overlooked is scheduling the disconnection of utilities in your old home. To avoid being left without power or water on moving day, it’s advisable to arrange for utilities to be disconnected a day after the move.

9. Prepare a Box of Manuals and Warranties for the New Owner

Collecting all the manuals and warranties for appliances or systems that will remain in the house is a considerate step for the next occupants. Leave them in an easily accessible location.

Read More: Award-Winning Moving Company in Fort Lauderdale

On the Day of the Move

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Moving day can be stressful, but with careful planning and a good strategy, you can keep things under control. It’s a day of action, and it’s essential to keep a cool head and stay organized.

1. Verify the Moving Company

When the movers arrive, make sure they are indeed from the company you hired. Scams can happen, so this simple verification can avoid potential issues and ensure your belongings are in safe hands.

2. Do a Walkthrough with the Movers

Before the movers start their work, guide them through your home. Highlight any items that need special care or handling and clarify your box labeling system. Good communication with your movers can ensure a smooth operation.

3. Final Walkthrough After Loading

Once all your belongings are on the moving truck, perform a final walkthrough of your empty home, whether it’s in the vibrant Rio Vista neighborhood or closer to the Atlantic Ocean near Fort Lauderdale Beach. This is your last chance to ensure nothing has been left behind. Check all the rooms, closets, and cabinets.

4. Check the Inventory List As Items Are Unloaded

At your new home, supervise the unloading process. Check off each item from your inventory list as it’s unloaded. This will help ensure all your belongings have made it to your new home and allow you to report any missing items immediately.

5. Note Utility Meter Readings

Before you leave your old home, make a note of all utility meter readings. This documentation can help you deal with any billing disputes that might arise.

6. Guide the Movers

In your new home, provide guidance to the movers about where each box and piece of furniture should go. This effort can save you significant time and effort later when unpacking and setting up your new place.

7. Verify All Utilities Are Working

Once the moving chaos subsides, check all utilities in your new home to ensure they are working correctly. If there are any issues, contact the relevant companies as soon as possible.

8. Check for Damage

Before the movers leave, thoroughly inspect your items for any signs of damage. If you discover anything, document it immediately, and report it to the moving company.

9. Keep All Moving Documentation

Retain all your moving documents, from quotes and receipts to the contract and any correspondence. This paperwork could be necessary for tax deductions, and you may need it if you have to file a claim for lost or damaged items. Organize these documents in a safe place where you can easily access them if needed.

10. Relax and Enjoy Your New Home!

After the stressful process of moving to Fort Lauderdale, take time to relax and enjoy your new surroundings, whether it’s sipping coffee at local shops in the greater Fort Lauderdale area, visiting the Florida Grand Opera, or strolling around the Broward Center.

This is the culmination of all your hard work. Spend some time exploring your new neighborhood, starting to arrange your items, or even just taking a quiet moment to appreciate the change. Remember, unpacking doesn’t need to be done all at once – take your time to ensure everything is placed where you want it in your new home.

10 Tips for Planning a Move in Fort Lauderdale

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Moving can be a daunting task no matter where you are, but moving to a vibrant city like Fort Lauderdale comes with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. Understanding the specifics of the area, planning ahead, and taking advantage of local resources can greatly facilitate your relocation.

1. Understand the Climate

Fort Lauderdale is known for its beautiful tropical rainforest climate, with warm temperatures throughout the year. However, it also experiences significant rainfall, particularly during the wet season from May to October.

Make sure to keep this in mind when planning your move. For instance, it’s best to avoid moving during the peak hurricane season in August and September, and you may want to protect your belongings with waterproof materials.

2. Research the Neighborhoods

Fort Lauderdale is composed of many different neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and vibe. From the artsy district of Flagler Village to the more laid-back suburb of Imperial Point, it’s important to find the area that best suits your lifestyle and needs. 

Spend some time researching the neighborhoods, and if possible, visit them in person to get a feel for the local culture, amenities, and accessibility.

3. Prepare for the Cost of Living

While Fort Lauderdale can be more affordable than other Florida cities like Miami, the cost of living is still above the national average. This is especially true when it comes to housing. Make sure to budget appropriately and consider these costs when planning your move.

4. Make Transportation Arrangements

Fort Lauderdale is a relatively spread-out city, and having a car can be quite useful. However, there are also public transportation options available, including buses and trolleys, and a decent number of neighborhoods are bike-friendly. Plan out your transportation needs and factor this into your decision on where to live.

5. Take Advantage of Local Moving Services

There are many local moving services available in Fort Lauderdale that are familiar with the ins and outs of the city. These professionals can help ensure your move goes smoothly and efficiently. Make sure to get quotes and check reviews to choose a reliable and affordable option.

6. Be Ready for the Outdoor Lifestyle

The city is famous for its beaches, waterways, and outdoor activities. If you have outdoor furniture or sports equipment, make sure they are ready for the move and think about storage solutions in your new home.

7. Organize Your Healthcare Providers

Fort Lauderdale has a variety of healthcare facilities available. Once you have your new address, it’s important to find local healthcare providers – doctors, dentists, and opticians, and provide them with your information prior to your move. This will ensure you have access to medical care when you need it.

8. Register Your Vehicle

If you’re moving to Fort Lauderdale from another state, you’ll need to register your vehicle with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. You’ll also need to obtain a new driver’s license. Make sure to factor these tasks into your moving schedule.

9. Check School Districts

If you’re moving with children, it’s important to research the school districts in your new area. Broward County Public Schools is the second-largest in Florida, and there are many excellent private schools as well. Look into the schools in your neighborhood and the process for enrollment.

10. Discover Local Entertainment and Cultural Spots

Fort Lauderdale has a rich cultural scene with many museums, galleries, theaters, and music venues. There’s also a multitude of restaurants and shopping districts. Once you’ve settled in, take the time to explore your new city and all the vibrant experiences it has to offer. This will help you feel more at home and integrated into the community.

How Adams Moving Can Help You Plan Your Move

When it comes to relocating, whether within Fort Lauderdale or moving from afar, it’s crucial to have a trustworthy partner by your side to help navigate the process. Adams Moving is here to make your move as seamless as possible. Here’s how our services can facilitate your transition:

Comprehensive Moving Services

Adams Moving offers a range of services tailored to your specific needs. This includes:

  • Local and long-distance moving: Whether you’re moving within Fort Lauderdale or from another city, we have the expertise and resources to handle all types of moves.
  • Packing and unpacking: We offer professional packing and unpacking services to ensure your belongings are safe during transit and are efficiently organized in your new home.
  • Specialty items handling: From pianos to artwork, we’re experienced in handling and moving specialty items that require extra care and attention.
  • Storage solutions: If you need temporary storage during your move, we offer secure, climate-controlled storage facilities to keep your items safe.

Expertise and Reliability

Our team at Adams Moving consists of experienced professionals dedicated to providing exceptional service. We’re reliable and punctual and handle your belongings as if they were our own.

Customized Moving Plans

We understand that every move is unique. That’s why we work closely with you to develop a customized moving plan that suits your schedule, budget, and specific needs.

Free, No-Obligation Quotes

We provide free, no-obligation quotes to give you a clear understanding of your moving costs upfront. This can be particularly useful in planning your move effectively.


Moving can be a daunting task, but with the right assistance and preparation, it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re preparing to dive into the vibrant Fort Lauderdale lifestyle or move elsewhere, Adams Moving is here to make the process smooth and stress-free.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free quote, and let’s start planning your move together!


How far in advance should I plan my move?

Ideally, you should start planning your move at least two to three months in advance. This will give you enough time to organize everything and book your moving services.

How do I choose a good moving company?

Look for a moving company that has good reviews, offers comprehensive services, and provides a clear cost estimate. A reputable company like Adams Moving also offers free, no-obligation quotes.

Can I get help with packing and unpacking?

Yes, Adams Moving offers professional packing and unpacking services to help secure your belongings during transit and set up your new home efficiently.

What do I do if I need temporary storage during my move?

Adams Moving provides secure, climate-controlled storage facilities for any items you need to store temporarily during your move.

What’s the best time of year to move to Fort Lauderdale?

The best time to move to Fort Lauderdale is generally during the dry season (November to April) to avoid heavy rainfall and potential hurricanes in the wet season. However, Adams Moving can assist you year-round, ensuring a smooth move regardless of the season.

Andre Herrera

A wordsmith at heart, Andre Herrera brings life to the tales of Adam's Moving through his eloquent blog posts. He ensures that our stories reach a broad audience. Andre's insights into the moving industry, paired with his engaging writing style, make our blog a go-to resource for anyone planning a move.